Cookie Decorating Workshop Ottawa | The Vintage Cookie Jar

The Vintage Cookie Jar

Before I get into the cookie decorating workshop details, I want to paint you a picture of the wonderful Naomi Walz; Baker & Cookie Decorator. She is the loving hands behind The Vintage Cookie Jar, and has been growing her presence here in Ottawa since she moved here last winter from Toronto. She recently celebrated 2 years in business, and she has been teaching themed workshops out of her home studio for the last year, and offering on-location events.


Cookie Decorating Workshop Ottawa

Those of you who know me personally know that I don’t eat sugar, so it might seem crazy for me to have gone to a cookie decorating workshop,  but despite fighting the amazingly delicious smell the entire time, it was so much fun! I would absolutely do it again, and knowing that she offers custom in-home cookie decorating workshops makes it even better! Whether it be for a baby shower, a holiday party, a bridal shower, or a birthday party–Naomi is your girl!

Bonus, as someone who is terribly allergic to nuts, I was very pleased that I didn’t have to worry about that during the workshop. She has a kitchen set up in her workshop space that is dedicated to her business baking, where there are never any nuts brought in, and she makes an effort to buy as many of the ingredients as nut-free as she possibly can.

She even gave us a whole bunch of tips to make sure our DIY versions at home come out as best as they can. Scroll down for those bad boys!


This is how you start your cookie decorating workshop, with a set of pre-baked and cooled flat firm cookies. Can you tell what they are going to be?

cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, icing piping bags cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, table set up cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, woodland animal cookies sample platter cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, naomi instructor baker decorator cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, round flood icing cookie, booboo stick cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, naomi baker instructor decorator, edible markers drawing, animal cookies cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, orange fox cookie cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, icing piping bag, mushroom house cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, animal cookies, hedgehog, brown icing, boo boo stick cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, frog cookie, green icing cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, owl cookie cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, mushroom house cookies, green leaf icing cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, bunny rabbit cookies, edible marker eyes


Cookie Decorating Tips

  • If you are going to do one thing to perfection, master icing consistency above everything else (flood, medium, stiff). The rest will follow with practice.
  • Use food colouring paste (not liquid) as to not alter the consistency of your icing.
  • When made with meringue powder vs fresh eggs, icing can keep for up to 2-3 weeks vs. 24 hours.
  • Don’t buy meringue powder from an open bin like at Bulk Barn. Because it sits out and has contact with the air, it compromises the quality and ruins your icing.
  • For making eyes, make sure the whites are slightly thicker than the iris and pupil colours to avoid bleeding.
  • Always knead the icing right before use use it to ensure the colour is properly mixed into it. Remember to block the piping bag end if it is already open!–Oops!


My Woodland Animal Cookies

cookie decorating workshop ottawa, vintage cookie jar, woodland animal cookies, deer, doe, chipmunk, squirrel, bunny, rabbit, frog


I am very proud of the my final results of my woodland animal cookies–just look how adorable my frog is!–and I will definitely be going to another themed cookie decorating workshop with Naomi. I can’t wait to receive my logo cookies! (yep, she does everything!)

To go ahead and see what classes she has planned for the next little while, visit the cookie decorating workshop schedule on her website.


To see more fun things that I have been up to, check out the latest news:


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