6 Reasons Why Your Baby Should Know Sign Language

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As someone who is fluent in two languages, and has basic skills in in another, being able to communicate with others is second nature to me. To imagine not being able to converse with someone, let alone communicate my basic needs, is somewhat frightening. That’s often what it is like for new parents with then bring home a new baby; they have no idea how to understand this beautiful screaming tiny human. Now imagine how the baby feels. But, with a little hard work, you can actually teach a signing language to infants so you can communicate in the early stages before they can develop speech as we know it. I have found an expert to give you the lowdown, so I leave the floor to Jenni.


6 Reasons Why Your Baby Should Know Sign Language


If you are a parent of a baby or toddler (or are currently pregnant) you probably have heard of “baby signing.” But why would you want to use sign language with your child? Sign Language has so many benefits, which is why it’s so great for babies and children of all ages to learn it.


It is important to consider simplified baby signing as the use of gestures rather than ‘a language’. A language would have a host of grammatical rules and expressions attached to it. Even if parents don’t train their baby too use symbolic gestures, it is likely babies will naturally use them anyway. For example, pointing at something they are asking about, tugging at their sweater if they wish to take it off, etc. Understanding baby gestures can improve communication, and make parents more sensitive to what their babies are thinking about. This can have profound benefits. When parents are more tuned into their baby’s thoughts and feelings, babies are more likely to develop secure attachment relationships.



There are many benefits of teaching sing language to your child.  I’ve outlined the top 6 reasons why your baby should know sign language:


  1. Sign language provides the ability to communicate earlier than speech
    You probably already know that babies and toddlers are able to understand far more than they can express. Receptive language skills, what they can understand, develop earlier than expressive language skills, or what they can say. In fact, the motor skills and auditory perceptual skills needed to articulate speech are simply not developed enough to produce words until around 10-12 months of age (give or take) and then they continue to develop for years.


  1. Earlier communication can decrease tantrum behaviour
    Many early tantrums in toddlers are often a result of their inability to communicate their wants and needs effectively. By giving your child the gift of sign language as an early communication tool, you may see a decrease in tantrum behaviour as he will be able to communicate to you more effectively than with speech and gesture alone. I, for one, would do anything to avoid the grocery store meltdown!


  1. Teaching sign language to your child may increase your child’s vocabulary and language skills
    When you are teaching your child sign language, you will find yourself saying the name of the sign out loud many, many times as you show your child the sign. You will find yourself talking a lot about the items you are teaching. For example, when you see a dog walk by you may stop, get down at your child’s level, and say (as you are signing dog) “Johnny! Do you see the DOG? It’s a D-O-G (as you continue to sign) See the DOG? Look, DOG (as you sign again)” You will find yourself talking about things more and repeating things more than if you were not teaching your child sign. This repetition, both auditory and visually, may help to expand your child’s receptive and expressive vocabulary and language skills. In addition to the increased verbal repetition that sign often provides, it also provides language opportunities in a tactile, kinesthetic, and visual modality. Presenting vocabulary and language in a modality other than only verbal increases the child’s ability of learning.


  1. Teaching sign language to your child may increase your child’s reading and spelling skills and even IQ
    There is research to support that hearing children who are taught sign language from an early age have better reading and spelling skills and yes, even higher IQ scores down the road.



  1. Teaching sign language to your child may increase your child’s visual attention skills and joint attention skills
    Using and understanding sign language requires a child to utilize his visual and joint attention skills, both of which are very important skills in both learning and social interactions. It’s also great to learn from an early age, that eye contact and attention are so important when someone is trying to communicate with you. If you extend that courtesy with them, they will be more likely to practice it themselves.


  1. Teaching sign language to your child is So. Much. Fun!
    Honestly? It is so much fun teaching sign language to your child. Mellow Baby uses music and puppets – what else do you need to know?  The babies love it.  Even if you are not as excited about the benefits and functionality of signing, it’s such a great way to have fun and try something new.  But the fact that they are secretly gaining all of the benefits is win-win.


Mellow Baby signing courses are so much more than songs and signs. They are also an opportunity to provide a lively environment for parents and babies to communicate through signs and songs by facilitating:

  • Friendship between parents
  • A time for parents to enjoy social time out
  • Social and sensory discovery for babies
  • Sharing and support within a group
  • Fun for all


 – Jenni


ABOUT THE AUTHOR – Mellow Baby Logo

Hello! I’m Jenni, and I’m passionate about helping new Moms feel good. I feel in love with these classes after experiencing Baby Massage & Baby Sign Language with my own son; how beneficial it was for both of us to communicate with one another. I completed my training to become an accredited instructor in 2015 and Mellow Baby was born. I’m a Mom to two little’uns so I know how hard it can be, and I try to make my classes like a little get-away for Moms & Dads.  I love teaching parents to make special time for themselves and their wee ones to really help them forge that “forever bond“. I always feel so good when I leave a class, it’s just such a special time for the families I work with and I love being a part of that. I’m also a wife, daughter, sister, feminist, TV/movie nerd and pop-culture aficionado.