Featured Prop Vendors List | Newborn, Maternity & Baby

Featured Prop Vendors List

Pure Natural Newborn Photography interacts with several vendors on a daily basis. There are vendors we love, there are vendors that we adore, and there are vendors with whom we work. This is our featured prop vendors list, with a mix of vendors whom we have chosen to include.  Vendors who qualify for our Print-to-Prop Service can be found on our Preferred Vendors List.

Local Maternity & Baby Shops and Vendors

baby en route logo square milkface logo square bumbini_logo square queen mother logo square

Newborn & Baby Photo Prop Vendors

Mr. & Mrs. and Co. http://mrandmrsandco.com

Dear Felicity Boutique https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/DearFelicityBoutique

Cocoa&Blush http://cocoablush.bigcartel.com/

Roses and Ruffles https://rosesandruffles.bigcartel.com

Pooks and Lulu http://www.pooksandlulu.com

Modern Rag Quilts http://www.modernragquilts.com

Avonli Cottage http://avonlicottage.bigcartel.com/

JD Vintage Props http://www.jdvintageprops.com/

Snippets https://www.etsy.com/shop/SnippetsProps

Pure Knits http://pureknits.bigcartel.com/

Devoted Knits http://www.devotedknits.com/

The Knitting Bitty http://www.theknittingbitty.bigcartel.com/

Vanilla Lullaby http://www.vanillalullaby.com/

Baby Bliss Props https://www.etsy.com/shop/BabyBlissProps

DaddyMackHats http://daddymackhats.bigcartel.com/

Maternity Photo Prop Vendors

TAOPAN Shop http://www.shoptaopan.com/pregnancy/

Sew Trendy Accessories https://www.etsy.com/shop/SewTrendyAccessories

Quilt by Stephanie de Montigny

Bonnet by Stephanie de Montigny

newborn photography blue basket sage blanket pink rose tieback
Tieback from Dear Felicity Boutique

Please note: We have done our due diligence on all listed vendors, and refuse to list anyone with whom we or other photographers or clients have had any sort of tainted experiences. Should you encounter a less-than-perfect experience, please let us know so we can re-evaluate our list.