Author: National Capital Doulas
Babywearing 101: Top Tips For Transitioning from Newborn to Toddler Carriers
Babywearing had a HUGE impact on my early days as a mother, well through the first year, because any time my little girl refused to nap or was extra fussy, wearing her made all of the crank go away. Bonus that it allowed me to keep working, or sometimes just sit there and appreciate the… Read more
The First Night Home With Baby
I don’t know everything, so I set out to find an expert and I turned to the wonderful ladies from National Capital Doulas. Here is the lowdown on the first night home with baby.– Stephanie Becoming a parent is as wonderful as it is scary and overwhelming. Not exactly what you expected to read, is it? Everyone’s… Read more
Top 7 Baby Gadgets You Don’t Need (And 7 You Do!)
Every soon-to-be parent asks themselves a ton of questions about the upcoming birth of their child, including the typical ‘what do I really need’ question because babies are expensive enough as it is–there is no sense buying all the things, especially ones you don’t actually need. While I have encountered many products over the years… Read more
Why Hire a Doula? by the National Capital Doulas
The lovely ladies over at National Capital Doulas are celebrating a huge milestone this week: their one year anniversary as a collaborative team! Between the three of them, they have decades of experience and they’ve taken the time to write us an article about all the goodness and advantages that come with deciding to hire… Read more