Baby Milestone Session
Baby Amelia came back to visit the studio for her 8 months milestone session. I absolutely love it when my newborn clients come back for update sessions! I love to follow them as they grow and learn new skills. Little Amelia waived for the first time during her session and we captured it! and she walked (assisted) the furthest she has even gone during her session. I love being able to capture moments like those for families. Photographs are a great way to remember these little but important moments. And you get to participate in them too! Exist in photos for your children. #existinphotos
View Amelia’s newborn portraits.
Baby Photos – 8 months old Amelia
How do I book a session?
We’d love to capture your growing family and new baby moments. You can call Stephanie directly at 613-371-4594 or use our contact page to find out the best availability for your portrait session, and to set up a pre-session consultation. Maternity Portraits are the most flatteringly captured between weeks 26-36, Newborn Photography Sessions are best held within the first 2 weeks from birth, and Mommy&Baby portrait sessions are typically within the first month after baby is born.
Stephanie de Montigny, Specialized Newborn Photographer
(613) 371 – 4594