Baby Amelia – 34 days new

Newborn Baby Amelia

This little fighter graced us with her presence many weeks earlier than expected. While her family was overjoyed to meet her, it also had the bitter sweet emotion of having to go home without her for a few weeks. Despite the frequent visits, there is nothing quite like being able to bring your baby home. After about a month, Amelia got the go-ahead from doctors that she could go home. What better way to celebrate a homecoming than with Mommy&Baby snuggles that will last forever. I was honoured to capture this emotion for this beautiful family; inside and out.

World, meet Amelia.


Because little miss Amelia was such a great sleeper, we even got the chance to grab a fee splendid baby detail photos. Between the whispy hair and teeny-tine toes, these are one of the favourite parts of a session. And rolls! I love baby rolls!

Amelia-Newborn_STF1584-WM-GNP Amelia-Newborn_STF1580-WM-GNP Amelia-Newborn_STF1590-WM-GNP Amelia-Newborn_STF1579-WM-GNP

How do I book a session?

We’d love to capture your growing family and new baby moments. You can call Stephanie directly at 613-371-4594 or email to find out the best availability for your portrait session, and to set up a pre-session consultation. Maternity Portraits are the most flatteringly captured between weeks 26-36, Newborn Photography Sessions are best held within the first 2 weeks from birth, and Mommy&Baby portrait sessions are typically within the first month after baby is born.

Stephanie de Montigny, Specialized Newborn Photographer
(613) 371 – 4594