Flip Worthy Photo Albums That Will Make Grandma Green With Envy

There’s just something about flipping through old photo albums that give you a huge dose of nostalgia, and sheer happiness. Feeling the pages in your hands, being able to run your fingers down the spine, and hearing the crackling as you flip the page–pure bliss!


I remember asking my grandma every time we went over if I could look through them to see old pictures of my mom as a kid. At one point I started asking my mom to go through ours (my brother and I) only to receive the sad response that there weren’t any. They had a handful of printed snaps, but those were in a box deep in the basement and not quite accessible. That tiny bit of resentment is what sparked my desire to be a photographer (so I could capture the memories that my parents hadn’t) and has continued to fuel my passion to this day: Making sure my clients walk away with something tangible from their portrait experience. Something to flip through down the road, and enjoy the experience physically as much as they do emotionally.


At least I got my thank you cards out!

But we all know that time can get away from us, and that album we want so badly never gets made–we prioritize other things. I know, because it happens to us professional photographers too! I got married last June, and I am sad to say that I still have not gotten my wedding album printed, let alone designed–and I don’t even have a baby to worry about! So I can only imagine that as a new parent, you don’t have any time to set aside to be designing and ordering these things, nevermind all of the research trying to figure out the best place to get them ordered from.⠀

This is why it is so important to me that I make sure all you have to do is show up at the studio and pick your favourite photos–I take care of the design, the ordering, the packaging, and I will even deliver it along with setting up your canvases on your walls. That’s the difference a full-service studio makes, and I am proud of it! Now to get started on my own album… My goal is that it is our 1 year anniversary gift to each other–it’s technically paper, right?


Let’s be honest for a second: it’s what’s on the pages inside that really matters. BUT they need to last! I know some of the photo books I bought a few years ago for myself have started to fade, the seams have turned pink from the acid in the glue, and the cover is slowly peeling away from the book. It ain’t pretty–feels like such a waste…


Which is why it was vital for me to find a product that would last for several decades, if not longer, so that my clients could enjoy these albums for the rest of their life, and so that the little baby inside could do the same. I finally found a fantastic product (made locally to boot!), which is even better than the great ones I was offering before, and I am so proud to be offering these luxury albums. So much so, that anything that I provide my clients with is guaranteed to last through regular use <– that means actual humans looking at them more than just once or twice after you bought them.



MY GIFT TO YOU: A flip-worthy album that is built to last centuries and give you the perfect dose of nostalgia every time you look through it. It’s no scrapbook (which I highly recommend having through baby’s first year to capture all of those in-between moments), but it doesn’t get any better than this for immortalizing those milestone moments. The pages on these professional albums are nice and thick (especially with the recent upgrade: LOOK AT THEM!), and sturdy so no bent corners or warping over the years. And the way they are bound together means they lay flat, without a crease in the middle, which means you can have images spread across the entire open album without the fear of cutting off bits of the image. The different cover options give you the option to customize your your style preferences, and truly make your album as unique as baby. Take a look for yourself!


To get your hands on one of these lovelies, contact Stephanie at info@purenaturalnewborn.com or 613-371-4594 to book a free consultation & studio tour, and you can feel the difference yourself before booking your session. You will be pleasantly surprised!


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