Guest Posting

Featured Article on the Blog

If you are a local small business or parenting blogger who would be interested in publishing a guest-post on the Pure Natural Blog to provide valuable information to our readership, please reach out. The blog currently has varying articles about cloth diapering and sleep tips, useful baby gadgets, product reviews, babywearing, etc. I’d really like to continue to include other posts relating to pregnancy, birth, baby, and growing families. If your article is not providing tips or education, and focuses on a particular product, it is considered a sponsored post and is subject to additional approval guidelines** and fee schedule.

Tech details:  Your contribution will be accompanied by a ‘hot link’ so that you can also benefit from the SEO power, in addition to the human visitors. In the world of search engine optimization, external links that direct traffic to your website are the juice that qualifies websites as relevant and important (when combined with great content, of course!).

How to submit:  If you are interested in participating, please use the form below: be sure to include a link to your blog, the content you would like to have published, and an about-the-author blurb. You will receive a confirmation that the submission has been received, and whether or not we intend to use the article. Your submission must be original content (written by you and not published elsewhere online).

[contact-form to=”” subject=”New Pitch! Pure Natural Blog”][contact-field label=”Your Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Business Name” type=”text” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Business Website” type=”url” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Pitch / Submission” type=”textarea” required=”1″][/contact-form]

**If you are looking to have Stephanie review one or more of your products, please include a full description of the product, its purpose, and the deadline (if any). Please also include a link to a photo of the product in question. Qualifying products are items that cater to womxn that can be used during or after pregnancy, baby items such as clothing or accessories or gadgets, or business-oriented items. As part of the review process, in exchange for the PR sample product(s), you will receive a minimum of 1 image (per product sent) to use on social media for commercial purposes. The shipping address will be provided to you upon approval. Sponsored guest-posts start at 100CAD, sponsored posts written by Stephanie start at 250CAD. Thank you.