Posing A Toddler Like A Newborn

It’s no secret that I am an advocate for “no such thing as too old” for newborn photos and that we simply need to set proper expectations and posing limitations that come with babies growing older. So when my toddler asked me if I could pose her like mama’s studio babies, I took it as a dual opportunity to get hilariously adorable photos of her AND education tool.  

The world loved it!

I clearly wasn’t the only one who thought so because my behind-the-scenes video of posing a toddler like a newborn went viral. Here are the lovely photos I managed to capture during our impromptu session, between the rolling around laughing, contorting herself into unphotographable positions, and open-mouthed screeches of joy. Yup, I definitely made it look a lot easier than it was, and there is no way I would attempt this with a non-cooperative toddler.

How do I book a photo session?

I’d love to capture your growing family and new baby moments. Use the contact page to send a message to set up a phone consultation so we can discuss details and customize your experience. Newborn Photo Sessions are best held within the first 1-3 weeks from birth (up to 9 weeks), but we can always get beautiful baby portraits, even if they aren’t of a squishy sleepy newborn. Let’s create art together. If you want to attempt this type of toddler session, we need to make sure kiddo is a willing participant before booking, but I am happy to try!

Pure Natural Newborn Photography
Pregnancy through Baby’s First Year
Almonte / Ottawa, Ontario
(613) 371 – 4594 | info@purenaturalnewborn.com