Tag: sibling photos
Sitting Up with Baby Boy de Montigny – 6 months old
My very own sweet little boy is officially 6 months old and doing amazing with his sitting skills! He is pushing up his whole body like a plank, belly laughing with his gorgeous smile, and has just recently started to sit himself up unassisted. And we can tell he is going to start crawling soon… Read more
Newborn Baby Aleksi – 2 weeks new
Baby Aleksi came to visit the portrait studio for his newborn photography session at just under 2 weeks new, 12 days old to be exact. This session felt extra special because his sister had visited the studio just two years prior for her own newborn session, and we incorporated a few subtle comparison photos into the portraits… Read more
Newborn Baby Aleena – 3 weeks new
Baby Aleena came to visit the portrait studio for her newborn photography session at 3 weeks new, exactly at 21 days. This little sweetheart was my first newborn in the studio since the pandemic began, and to say I was nervous would be an understatement (it had been almost 6 months since I had been ‘out… Read more
Newborn Baby Austin – 23 days new
Baby Austin came to visit the portrait studio for his newborn photography session at just over 3 weeks new, at 23 days new to be exact. He slept for a large portion of the session, which allowed for us to get some beautiful images. We even got to incorporate his older sister for a sweet kiss.… Read more