Tummy Time with Baby Boy de Montigny – 3 months new

My very own sweet little boy is 3 months old and doing amazing with his tummy time skills! He is pushing up his shoulders, smiling beautifully, and has just recently started to giggle. And oh boy did he make me work for these! He insisted on a breastfeeding break, which was well worth it to get those gorgeous smiles.

Tummy Time with Baby Boy de Montigny.

Here are a few favourites from the session.

How do I book a photo session?

I’d love to capture your growing family and new baby moments. Use the contact page to send a message to set up a phone consultation so we can discuss details and customize your experience. Newborn Photo Sessions are best held within the first 3 WEEKS from birth, and Parent&Baby sessions are typically within the first 3 MONTHS or so after baby is born. Let’s create art together.

Pure Natural Newborn Photography
Pregnancy through Baby’s First Year
Almonte / Ottawa, Ontario
(613) 371 – 4594 | info@purenaturalnewborn.com